vrijdag 10 september 2010

Philips Probes Deel 2

sustainable habitat 2020

Today, our habitat is very dependent on the international grid of energy &water. Energy crisis, clean water shortage, global warming and environmental pollution are worldwide problems. Understanding cities as dynamic and ever-evolving eco-systems can help us to formulate strategies for a sustainable urban future. The whole project is based on the the brief to develop sustainable housing for urban megalopolis in China in 2020.

This is exploring the integration of electronics and bio chemical functionalities into the inert material of the built environment. The design of the concept fundamentally changes the current approach to buildings and habitat. This future habitat shifts from the current state where the building surfaces are benign inert ‘dumb’ materials only used for construction and shielding purposes to sensitive functional skins that are ‘alive’ and act as membranes to harness energy. A membrane creates a strong link between the exterior and interior of the habitat and used as a transporter collecting and channeling the elements of air water and light - from the outside feeding into the inside space. This will supply the habitat with all necessary sources to be able to live off the grid.


There is a great deal of cultural taboo about body odors, but that doesn't mean it's not worth exploring. Tests have shown that women can identify the most genetically suitable partner for reproduction purely on the basis of smelling a T-shirt he has worn.

SMELL is a probe collaboration with the Design Interaction department of the Royal College of Art in London and is currently carried out by James Auger, tutor at the RCA.

In SMELL, a prototype apparatus was created which basically captures odors from the body and not only communicates them to the wearer but also to other people. Dogs are reputedly able to sniff out cancer, so our work may initiate dialogue that leads to medical practitioners being able to carry out smell-based diagnoses.

Electronic Sensing Jewelry

Electronic Sensing Jewelry has been conceived alongside a European project, STELLA, (www.stella-project.de) developing stretchable, flexible electronic substrates that integrate energy supply, sensors, actuators, and display.

Skintile the Electronic Sensing Jewelry further explores emotional and physiological sensing. It is a new genre of product; a generation of wireless, stick-on body sensors that re- define traditional body adornment.

It explores a range of functionalities in new product forms that are playful, sensual, mood affected, bio activity stimulated, and arousal enhancing. It is a semi disposable, bio compatible, non- allergenic, breathable, mass customizable, self contained body worn accessory.

Skin Tattoo

Tattoos and physical mutilation are amongst the oldest forms of personal expression and identity. Subcultures have used tattoos as a form of self representation; a visual language communicating personality and status. Philips Design examined the growing trend of extreme body adornment like tattoos, piercing, implants and scarring.

The Electronics Tattoo film expresses the visual power of sensitive technology applied to the human body. The film subtly leads the viewer through the simultaneous emotional and aesthetic transformations between two lovers.

Emotion sensor

Most electronic communication is limited to very direct channels where we naturally exhibit many more signals or channel indirectly. This opens up a whole new universe of emotional applications, such as physical and emotional gaming, mind and stress control applications, as well as emotional telephony.

The VIBE - emotional sensing necklace combines conductive ink and textile sensors. The necklace can read multiple biometric signals of the wearer and communicates them to other devices and other wearers.

Interview vragen senioren/jongeren


Philips Probes Deel 1


Metamorphosis explores how we have become separated from the natural world, both in terms of our surroundings and how we perceive and manage our time. While seasons and time awaken powerful instinctive responses in us, the spaces in which we currently live and work do not reflect the changes outside to allow these effects to take place. Metamorphosis demonstrates how we have become detached from nature and the effect it has on our sensory experience and lifestyle.

Within the themes Light, Air, Sound and Body, the Metamorphosis team has created design concepts that view the home as a filter to limit air pollution, electromagnetic smog, and industrial noise penetrating our living and working space while letting in natural light, air and sound. The concepts work as a filter between people and the natural world from which, over time, people have become detached.


These investigations, like other probe projects, examine the possible consequences of various (long-range) social trends and 'weak signals' emerging from the margins of society. In the case of food, this involved tracking and interpreting issues like the shift in emphasis from curative to preventative medicine, the growth in popularity of organic produce, implications of genetic modification, land use patterns in growing what we eat, the threat of serious shortages, and rising food prices. The result was an extension to Philips Desi

gn's ongoing design probes program with three new projects; Diagnostic Kitchen, Food Creation and Home Farming.

Diagnostic Kitchen, allows people to take a much more accurate and personally relevant look at what they eat. By using the nutrition monitor, consisting of a scanning ‘wand’ and swallowable se

nsor, you could determine exactly what and how much you should eat to match your digestive health and nutritional requirements at that moment in time.

Food Creation has been inspired by the so-called 'molecular gastronomists.' These chefs deconstruct food and then reassemble it in completely different ways. The food printer, which would essentially accept various edible ingredients and then combine and ‘print’ them in the desired shape and consistency, in much the same way as stereolithographic printers create 3-D representations of product concepts.

Home Farming explores growing at least part of your daily calorific requirement inside your house. This biosphere home farm has been designed to occupy a minimum of floor space and instead to stack the various mini- ecosystems on top of each other. It contains fish, crustaceans, algae and edible plants, all interdependent and in balance with each other. Water filtration, recycling of nutrients and optimum use of sunlight are all central to its appeal.

Multisensorial Gastronomy explores how the eating experience can be enhanced or altered by stimulating the senses using the integration of electronics, light and other stimuli. Developed in collaboration with Michelin chef Juan Marie Arzak, the three design concepts – Lunar Eclipse (bowl), Fama (long plate) and Tapada Luz (serving plate) – react to food placed on the plates or to liquid poured into the bowl.

Living jewelery

Fractal is a stunning, figure-hugging outfit consisting entirely of huge imitation jewels augmented by pulsing LEDs. By incorporating sensors that measure movement, excitement levels and proximity of others - and using this input to alter the intensity of its integrated lighting - Fractal essentially becomes an extension of the body. It also serves as a platform for exploring emotional sensing. Unlike a cut and sewn garment, Fractal is made using product materials and processes. This opens up the possibility of ‘Hybrid’ forms and new functionalities in the search for solutions in the spaces of traditional apparel functionality - thermal protection, structure and support, water resistance, providing modesty, flesh control, and the ever- changing style calendars.

Skin Dresses

One of this year’s Probe project areas is SKIN, which examines the future integration of sensitive materials in the area of emotional sensing – the shift from ‘ intelligent’ to ‘sensitive’ products and technologies.

As part of SKIN, we have developed two ‘Soft Technology’ outfits to identify the future for high tech materials and Electronic Textile Development in the area’s of skin and emotional sensing.

The dresses show emotive technology and how the body and the near environment can use pattern and color change to interact and predict the emotional state.

Philips Design Probes

Philips - IPILL

Philips - Food Probes

55+ beperkingen & behoeftes

Naarmate je ouder word kom je in een nieuwe periode van je leven.
Alles gaat moeizamer, wordt zwaarder en je word ook eenzamer.

Hoewel de toekomst er dan niet helemaal rooskleurig uitziet word je als persoon fylosofischer, je bent namelijk de helft gepasseerd en zit nu aan de verkeerde kant van de streep.

Bovenstaande informatie is geldig en afkomstig van huidige 55+ ers, maar moeten wij er ook rekening mee houden over het feit dat over 12/15 jaar de ouderen weer een nieuwe generatie is.

We kunnen hierbij denken aan de ouders van de huidige jongeren rond de 16 t/m 28 jaar.

Dat houd in dat de vergrijzing over 12 / 15 jaar een klein beetje verstand heeft van computers, tv's en andere multimedia apparatuur maar niet meer als de basis.

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Huisstijlhandboek Philips 2008


zondag 5 september 2010

Persona Hein Peters

Persona Corrie Hallebeek/de Jong

Philips 1981-1991

Phillips door de jaren heen. Dit boek heeft mijn vader ooit gekregen toen hij nog werkzaam was bij Phillips, ik heb het boek door gelezen en er staat erg veel informatie in. Wat me vooral aanspreekt in dit boek is de vormgeving, niet alleen van het boek zelf maar ook de media uitingen die erin staan, die ooit door/voor Phillips zijn gemaakt. Er is een bepaalde stijl die je terug ziet komen, en ik denk dat we hier wel wat aan hebben als we bijvoorbeeld een huisstijl gaan maken. Hieronder een aantal afbeeldingen die ik in het boek heb gevonden.